The Town of Williamsburg complies with public records inspection requests in compliance with the Colorado Public Records Act, Article 72 of Title 24. Public records are open for inspection by any person at reasonable times.
If public records requested are not in the custody or control of the Town, the Applicant shall be notified of this fact. Such notification will be in writing only if the Applicant requests written notification. Such notification shall state, to the best of the responding Town employee’s knowledge and belief, the reason for the absence of the records, the location of the records and who has custody or control of the records.
If the records requested are in active use, in storage or otherwise not readily available at the time requested for inspection, the Town shall notify the Applicant. Such notification will be in writing only if the Applicant requests written notification. If the Applicant further requests, the Town shall set a date and hour at which the records will be available for inspection which shall be within a reasonable time after the request.
No public record shall be made available for inspection if such inspection would be contrary to state statute, federal statute or regulation or Supreme Court rule or court order.
Not all records within the custody or control of the Town are available for inspection as public records either because the documents do not meet the statutory definition of public record or because the record is excepted from the disclosure requirements. If access to any public record is denied, the Town will provide a written statement of the grounds for denial only if requested by the applicant.
See Town of Williamsburg Code Section 1-55 for fees of record requests.
Where the request requires the manipulation of data to generate a record in a form not usually kept by the Town, the Town will impose a reasonable fee equal to the actual cost of manipulating the data. Staff time in manipulating and generating data will also be charged.