Residential Customers: Zero use is $41.38 /tap/month.
Addition usage: 100 gallons at $0.50 or 1000 gallons at $5.00/1000 gallons used
The Town of Williamsburg receives its treatment of our water from the City of Florence. Currently, there are 311 water taps in the Town of Williamsburg. Williamsburg consumed 23,434,333 gallons of water in 2023. Residential water costs include the following charges currently assessed by City of Florence and the Town of Williamsburg.
Debt cost per tap by Florence: $20.26
Debt cost per tap for Williamsburg (30 yr loan @ 1%): $9.62
Admin/Serv Fee by Williamsburg per tap monthly: $12.00 (cost covers billing/postage/ink/postcards/meter reading/maintenance/admin labor hours/ $1.00 system development)The additional cost-per-tap to the customer is necessary to cover the Town of Williamsburg's administrative and maintenance costs of the water delivery system.
Florence Cost Comp: $5.38
Cost comp is charged by Florence to pay the difference in what the actual costs for collecting, treating, and transporting the 23,434,333 gallons of water used by Williamsburg for the year 2023 versus what Williamsburg paid in 2023.
Water Tap Application Water Service Application
Policy for Disconnection of Service
The Reprinted Billing Statement is your FINAL NOTICE that your Water Bill is PAST DUE. This is the ONLY NOTICE YOU WILL RECEIVE! We will not call you or come to your door. Your bill must be paid no later than 1:00 PM date of shut off to avoid disconnect and reconnect fees. All payments need to be paid to the Town Hall during regular office hours Monday – Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Be aware of the due date and office hours.
You may work out a payment arrangement prior to shut off (in writing); however, if you DO NOT comply with your written agreement it is an immediate cause for disconnection. Then all late fees and disconnect fees will need to be PAID prior to water being turned back on. Once your water has been shut off and payments made the town WATER OPERATOR will have your water back on within 48 hours.
If you receive your next monthly bill before paying your prior bill, you Do NOT have an extension of time to pay your prior bill before being disconnected.
Reconnect fees are: 1st time $50.00; 2nd time $75.00 and 3rd 100.00.